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(c) David Peart
Fouad Hamdan, Danish Environment Minister Connie Hedegaard and the President of the think tank Friends of Europe, Giles Meritt, debating about genetically modified organisms in food. Brussels, 20.2.2007.

Communicating campaigns - and promoting a brand

Communicating campaigns for non-profit organizations is often political communications aimed at influencing decision-makers and public opinion. The ultimate goal is changing policies and the behavior of people. Opponents are pressured with non-violent means (media, social media, actions, lobby) to bring about needed change.

In the process organizations promote themselves. This is legitimate public relations to strengthen an image of a foundation or a non-governmental organization (NGO). Fact is: A regular and professional public visibility increases influence on decision-makers, helps convince donors and attracts professionals. 

Check under "publications" articles and papers I wrote and interviews I gave on communicating campaigns for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and how businesses often deliver Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as hollow PR.